One of my favorite quotes from my first book, Major League Life, came from Dallas Rattlers head coach Bill Warder, and it was about how close the lacrosse community is.
“People who play the game are really passionate about it and want to help and serve and be friends with other people who have lacrosse sticks in their hands,” he said. “Whether that’s in Dallas or Boston or Denver or Atlanta, if you have a lacrosse stick in your hand and your car breaks down on the side of the road, someone is probably going to stop.”
One thing I have always noticed about the lacrosse community is how it can come together for a cause. When Chris Bocklet suffered a major brain injury in a longboarding accident, Casey Powell set up a GoFundMe to help with his medical care and the lacrosse community — teammates and fans alike — came through in a big way. The HEADstrong Foundation, which raises funds to support cancer patients, was founded by Hofstra lacrosse player Nick Colleluori and has raised over $34 million since 2007.
There are a number of other ways for the lacrosse community to come together for a good cause in the upcoming holiday season, and I wanted to share a sampling of them here.
Fellow lacrosse writer Chris Rosenthall started a Toys for Tots fundraiser last week. He set a modest goal of $95, enough to get toys for three children. That goal was met within hours; he raised the goal, and that too has been met. He raised the goal for a third time. Each time he sets a new goal to a fun Christmas movie or song factoid, he ties the number to some fun Christmas fact from a movie or song. I’m curious to see what other facts he has as the goal gets raised again.
For my book about the connections between lacrosse and the military, I’ve been fortunate to connect with a few different organizations that use lacrosse to support veterans. Shootout for Soldiers, Sticks for Soldiers, Soldiers to Sidelines, Brendan Looney Foundation, Wings for Val Foundation, and Army Ranger Lead the Way Fund are all doing admirable work. Thank you for your service, for allowing me to tell your stories, and for helping others.
Morgan’s Message works to take away the stigma that surrounds mental health and empower those that feel alone. One Love works to teach and empower youth to recognize abusive relationships. Harlem Lacrosse helps provide inner city children not just the opportunity to play lacrosse but also help students stay in school and develop skills to succeed as students.
As we just gave thanks for what we have, it’s also important to think of how we can be of service to our communities and provide or help others.
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